Smile Design
It is a special dental aesthetic planning and application created according to the lip, facial structure and skin color of the person in the computer environment for patients who are not aesthetically satisfied with the structure of their teeth and gums. It is basically based on smile symmetry. The aim is to achieve the most natural and aesthetic appearance. The factors that disrupt the aesthetic appearance/structure should be analyzed well and focused on holistic problems. (gingival health, balance of gingival levels, jaw structure, etc.) As a result of the analyzes, personalized designs are revealed and these designs are rehearsed to the patient with temporary materials. After the desired prototype is decided, the design is completed within a few days and applied to the patient.
Leaf Porcelain (Porcelain Lamina Veneer)
Leaf laminates are an aesthetic dental treatment method in which very fine porcelain ceramics are applied on the teeth, in order to provide the aesthetic appearance and integrity of the teeth.
Porcelain lamina application is the most widely used and natural result in aesthetic dental treatment because porcelain laminae are permeable and reflect light. Before the application, no cutting is made on the tooth, so the patient does not experience speech difficulties and eating and drinking problems. Split teeth are easily joined, it is applied on teeth with whitening problems and yellowing is not observed again. It is not a painful treatment method, mostly laminates are placed on the tooth surface without any intervention. The duration of treatment usually does not exceed one week.
Zirconium Coating
Zirconium veneer is more preferred than other porcelain veneers due to its gingival compatibility and natural tooth appearance (light permeability). It is sturdy and you can apply pressure like your own natural teeth. It does not cause gray coloring on the gums as in metal-supported porcelain. In this application, an incision is made on the teeth. After the incision, temporary teeth are made on the teeth and gingival harmony is ensured. Zirconium coatings that are exactly compatible with the measurements taken are obtained. The treatment process takes a maximum of 10 days, with checks and corrections, after the design is created.
Dental Implant
A dental implant is a dental prosthesis procedure that replaces tooth loss and is placed in the gums with the help of a titanium screw. A dental implant looks and works like dentures (dentures applied on top of your own teeth) but are more permanent and durable than dentures.
Dental implants are preferred to fill the gap caused by tooth loss, to prevent toothed prosthesis from falling or slipping, to prevent deterioration of gingiva and at the same time to offer a more permanent and durable tooth structure compared to toothed prostheses.
Implant application consists of several stages and a treatment process is planned considering the patient’s structure.
For the implant application, panoramic x-rays and 3D dental tomographies are taken and it is decided whether the person is suitable for implant treatment. Implant placement, which is the first step for eligible patients, begins. Although the duration of this procedure varies according to how many implants will be made to the patient, the average time for each implant procedure is 30 minutes. The procedure can be performed with local or general anesthesia, depending on preference. It is a painless and painless process. Acceptance/reaction of the implants to the body takes 7-10 days. At the end of this period, there is no reaction that will take place in the future.
After the implants are placed, the waiting period begins. For prostheses to be placed on the implants, the implants must be completely fused in the placed area. Although this period varies according to the structure of the patient, it covers an average of 2-4 months. During the waiting period, the necessary measurements are taken for the prostheses to be placed on the implant, and the prostheses are prepared and formed. At this stage, it will need to be rehearsed several times in order to achieve the most appropriate and aesthetic result.
At the end of the waiting and preparation process, the prostheses prepared are placed on the implants and the patient now has the teeth that he can use comfortably for a lifetime.