Addiction treatments are divided according to the people and the substances they use. Although the types of addiction are very diverse, addiction treatments that are widely used in terms of serious threats to human life are based on recreational substances. While recreational drugs provide the comfort, happiness, and self-confidence that the person needs in the short term, they cause serious cognitive and physical disorders in the long term, and the consequences can be fatal. After a treatment plan determined by individual and special treatment methods, the patient regains his health and no longer needs substance use. The most important element of the treatment is the acceptance and willingness of the person to achieve the treatment.
Addiction treatments are two-stage. First of all, the person who wants to be treated is hospitalized and during this period, the person’s access to pleasurable substances is prevented, and deprivation struggles. Along with psychotherapy, the person’s mental healing process is assisted.
Alcohol Addiction
Alcohol addiction is an addiction problem called tolerance in medicine, which is caused by the fact that the amount of alcohol used is constantly on a vertical curve, and the person cannot achieve the same effect in the alcohol they drink. Alcohol is a very common type of addiction because it is easier to access and legal to use than other recreational drugs. Commonly, people refuse to see it as an addiction, but catching alcoholism negatively affects both a person’s social and family life and socioeconomic status. Alcohol addiction is a treatable disease. As long as the person shows the necessary will and determination to get rid of alcohol addiction, he can overcome alcohol addiction within 1 year with the help of an expert. Please contact for detailed information.
Heroin Addiction
Heroin is a chemical substance and heroin addiction is one of the most dangerous forms of substance abuse. It can be addictive in a short time or even in a single use. The person who experiences heroin once feels the need to use it frequently, and as a result of usage, a feeling of happiness/relaxation occurs in the person. Severe withdrawal crises may occur in cases of not being able to access/use heroin. The person who starts using heroin cannot keep the dose constant or reduce it. In order to have an effect on the person, the dose must be increased each time it is used, so many deaths due to overdose occur due to heroin use. Heroin addiction is a treatable disease, but the person must be willing to do so and a special treatment must be started with specialists. In the treatment purification process, especially in the initial stages of treatment, due to severe withdrawal, drug treatment is administered and at the same time treatment with psychotherapy is supported.
Amphetamine Addiction
Amphetamine is a type of synthetic drug and its use activates the central nervous system. It is especially used by people who suffer from attention deficit, concentration disorder, and hyperactivity. While amphetamine gives focus and performance-enhancing effects, it also gives the person the energy and happiness they need, and it turns into addiction in a short time and the person cannot get rid of amphetamine addiction without expert help. In general, the use of amphetamines is seen in people who believe that they need to perform well and feel “incapable”. Frequent use of amphetamine and its conversion to addiction cause much psychological damage (hallucination, memory loss, loss of motivation, attention deficit), while physically causing permanent brain damage, inflammation of the skin, and wounds inside and outside the mouth. Amphetamine addiction is a treatable disease, but the person must be willing to do so and specific treatment must be started with specialists. In the treatment purification process, especially in the initial stages of treatment, due to severe withdrawal, drug treatment is administered and at the same time treatment with psychotherapy is supported.
Methamphetamine Addiction
Methamphetamine is a stimulant with a very high risk of addiction. It triggers pleasure and motivating feelings in the person who uses it, and in this respect, it turns into addiction in a short time in people who need approval and have problems enjoying life. The person experiences a serious decline with the loss of the effect of the stimulant, and these sudden emotional transitions cause mood disorders over time, revealing many psychological disorders. Although methamphetamine has similar effects to cocaine, it is similar in variety (in the form of powder and pills), but its effect is longer and cheaper than cocaine. Due to its cheapness, its use is more common, especially among young people. Methamphetamine addiction is a treatable disease, but the person needs to be willing to do so and to initiate specific treatment with specialists. Due to deprivation in the treatment purification process, medication is administered and at the same time, the treatment is supported with psychotherapy.
Cocaine Addiction
Cocaine is a highly stimulating substance derived from the Erythroxylon Coca plant and is the most widely used drug in the world. It gives an increase in energy and alertness in the mind in the person who uses it. There is a high risk of addiction in a short time, even after the first use. As a result of regular use, the body develops tolerance and the dosage is increased. High-dose cocaine use causes serious damage to the brain, and heavy use results in death. The person who develops addiction experiences a serious decline when the effect of cocaine wears off, and these emotional transitions bring along many psychological disorders, especially depression. The effect of cocaine causes an increase between 30-60 minutes after use, which we can call a splash among the people. The person feels very energetic and self-confident for a while, his mind is clear, and when the effects pass, the person experiences feelings of appetite, insomnia, and unhappiness. A ‘collapse’, which is known as a withdrawal crisis among people, occurs within a few hours following high-dose use, and the person cannot recover physically and mentally for a long time after the collapse. Cocaine addiction is a treatable disease, but the person must be willing to do so and a specific treatment must be started with specialists. Due to deprivation in the treatment purification process, medication is administered and at the same time, the treatment is supported with psychotherapy.